2010年9月13日 星期一

"Nike+ iPhone"

Using the iphone 3GS/4 and the nike+ sensor inside the shoes, the data can be captured and uploaded to the server. The sporty music playlist inside your iPod will be played during your exercise.
Competition started!!!

The sensor will capturing the footstep distance, running miles, location by your iphone build-in GPS with map using Bluetooth... But it's hard to hack the nike+ sensor which is lock by apple and nike...

It's possible to make a game using the running or walking data in daytime, and play with it in night time... Like the virtual Augmented Reality game. Should be fun..!!!

"Learning from Objective-C"

For me, Objective-C is a simple programming language but new syntax...
It really takes times for changing form AS3...

First apps created... "Hello world"
- displaying objects to the windows view
- testing with iphone similator

News from engadget:

Apple backpedaling on some iOS development restrictions, will allow third party tools and ad services

But wait a minute,

Update: Google's responded to the newly-relaxed restrictions, saying "Apple's new terms will keep in-app advertising on the iPhone open to many different mobile ad competitors and enable advertising solutions that operate across a wide range of platforms."

Update 2: Our friend John Paczkowski at All Things Digital has Adobe's statement: "We are encouraged to see Apple lifting its restrictions on its licensing terms, giving developers the freedom to choose what tools they use to develop applications for Apple devices."

Update 3: In case the last update didn't give it away enough, Adobe announced in a blog post that it'llresume development on its Pac

Hello World!

say hello to the interface UIKit, cocoa, xcode, interfacebuilder..!
self-learning of iphone/ipad apps started...
Introduction to iphone, frameworks(MVC)...

Learning Reference:
Stanford CS193P iphone apps dev

Open Source Game Lib

Unity3D for iphone