It really takes times for changing form AS3...
First apps created... "Hello world"
- displaying objects to the windows view
- testing with iphone similator
News from engadget:- testing with iphone similator
Apple backpedaling on some iOS development restrictions, will allow third party tools and ad services
But wait a minute,
Update: Google's responded to the newly-relaxed restrictions, saying "Apple's new terms will keep in-app advertising on the iPhone open to many different mobile ad competitors and enable advertising solutions that operate across a wide range of platforms."
Update 2: Our friend John Paczkowski at All Things Digital has Adobe's statement: "We are encouraged to see Apple lifting its restrictions on its licensing terms, giving developers the freedom to choose what tools they use to develop applications for Apple devices."
Update 3: In case the last update didn't give it away enough, Adobe announced in a blog post that it'llresume development on its Pac
Update 2: Our friend John Paczkowski at All Things Digital has Adobe's statement: "We are encouraged to see Apple lifting its restrictions on its licensing terms, giving developers the freedom to choose what tools they use to develop applications for Apple devices."
Update 3: In case the last update didn't give it away enough, Adobe announced in a blog post that it'llresume development on its Pac